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ELI Utah to host forum discussing COVID19 impact on Utah Small Businesses

As part of the Emerging Leaders Initiative of Utah’s ongoing virtual COVID-19 forum series, join us for a discussion on how the pandemic has impacted Utah’s small businesses.

WHAT: ELI Utah Virtual COVID-19 Forum – Supporting Utah’s Small Businesses
WHEN: Thursday, May 14 noon to 1pm
WHERE: Online

This conversation with Utah Senator Derek Kitchen and Salt Lake City Councilwoman Ana Valdemoros, both small business owners, will provide insights into economic policies and initiatives for small businesses, share ways Utahns can support local and provide a place to answer questions about how government is helping small business owners and their employees.

Senator Derek Kitchen is the co-founder of a small food business, Laziz Foods, which started in 2012. The company sells middle eastern goods, like hummus, at grocery stores and cafe's around the city. In November of 2016, they opened their first restaurant—Laziz Kitchen—in the blossoming Central Ninth neighborhood. Laziz Kitchen has a partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to hire refugees and New Americans.

Ana Valdemoros serves as the City Councilwoman for Salt Lake City’s District 4. Ana started her career in city planning with Salt Lake City, before turning to non-profit and economic development through NeighborWorks, where she worked closely with the River District Chamber, Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency, and business owners in the area.In July 2016, Ana opened “Argentina’s Best Empanadas” selling empanadas filled with locally and sustainably grown ingredients. She then founded Square Kitchen, a culinary incubator designed to help entrepreneurs interested in starting their own small businesses.